Sunday, April 19, 2009

Graces in my LIFE 4 & 5/365 me a little slack!!! I have had a busy week creating and hanging with the kid {she has had spring break} and playing a TON of cards.

1. that my momma gave me a sewing machine for graduating college

2. the weather was awesome to ride the 4 wheeler and go kart

3. that Bailey and I could watch a M*A*S*H marathon!!!

4. I have the chance to cook with my mother-in-law

5. getting to pet lil chickies and duckies today!!! {soooo soft and sweet}

6. that not doing laundry wont stop the world

7. winning my first BLOG award...means a lot - I LOVE my readers!!!

8. being able to go to the rest room {that can be a whole other post}

9. eating dinner with the family

10. knowing that the LORD will provide what I NEED!!!

Every time we remember to say "thank you", we experience nothing less than heaven on earth.
-- Sarah Ban Breathnach

Thank you for stopping by!!!

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